Through the use of video, sculpture, print, and hypnotic trance sessions, Concepts of O connect the impact of terrestrial and human electromagnetic radiation with telepathic sensing and psychoanalytic practices. The exhibition invites us to re-engage in some of the forgotten concepts and research of the past, bringing attention to some of the inconvenient histories that have been removed to establish psychology as a scientific field.
The exhibition also draws inspiration from psychosociologist Jacob L Moreno’s concept of tele-encounters, defined as moments of true connection between people. The exhibition explores communication through tele, not only as acts of mediation through technology but as transmissions and energy flows between humans and non-humans. The exhibition explores whether former systems of healing and trance states can refresh our insight into a growing global economy capitalizing on our attention.

Symbols are drawn with chalk on the wall. Chalk drawings from the manuscript by Anton Mesmer, 1784. Photo: Jane Sverdrupsen.

Voices: Øystein Eide Sundland, Mekdes Shebeta, Bente Halland, Laurie Lax, Samuel Brzeski.
Sound design by Kjersti Sundland and Martin Mikkelsen. Edited by Martin Mikkelsen.

Link to OLTERNATIVES by Samuel Brzeski, a writer in residence at Lydgalleriet 2020. Written as a response between the two exhibitions Department of X by Hanna Hougaard at Lydgalleriet and Concepts of O .
«Concepts of O» was part of the artistic results of Kjersti Sundland’s PhD artistic research project conducted between 2016-2022, The Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen. Technical support by M12